Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Developmental Pointers for Parents (9 years)

Pysical: Provide many activities to sustain interest. Include team games. Give opportunities for developing skills, such as handicrafts and active games. Include many activities in which he uses his hands and has an opportunity to use small muscle skills. Do not compare girls to boys or force them to interact.

Mental: Do not give all the answers; allow time to think, meditate, and discuss. Encourage memorization of poems and important quotes. Respect and be aware of individual differences when making assignments and giving responsibilities. Give opportunity for record keeping. Do not dwell upon fantasy, but teach truths. Teach about other people and and other countries. Provide opportunity for collecting and also for learning about the past while keeping up the present.

Social: Accept natural separation of boys and girls. Recognize and support the need they have of acceptance from the peer group. Be warm but firm. Establish and enforce reasonable limits. Encourage friendships.

Emotional: Use positive guidance, let him know you accept him, even though you do not approve of his behavior. Provide many experiences for exercising his independence and dependibility. Praise for these positive characteristics. Be fair in dealings and relationships with him. Give him opportunities for competing, but help him learn to be a good loser. Do not ridicule him or tear him down for wrongdoings, but help him learn to take responsibility for his own behavior.

Spiritual: Give specific information and facts. Use the child's interests to guide your discussions. Express your love and support for him often.

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